10 Reasons for Practicing Pilates

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by Josie McKenlay

Pilates is now the exercise of choice for many people because of its many benefits. Below are the top 10 benefits you can expect from a regular Pilates workout.

Re-educating and realigning your body to prevent imbalances. This is particularly useful for sportsmen, for example. A tennis player constantly hitting the ball using the same arm or a golfer always swinging from the same side could benefit.

Making you more body-aware and coordinated. Pilates improves your proprioception skills, the way your body moves in space -- particularly useful if you are working by yourself.

Creating or improving space between vertebrae to minimize pressure on discs and nerves. There is no question that Pilates will prevent back problems or teach you to manage them.

Improving core muscle and back strength to help support the spine and maintain good posture. Many of us have posture that is far from ideal.

Strengthening all muscles so that the whole body can work together rather than one area becoming overloaded.

Improving flexibility and mobility so that the body can move freely, without putting undue strain on the back.