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Instead you will find lots of information about a product that promises to suppress appetite, burn fat and lower weight - all claims which have not been look at by the Food and Drug Administration.

A great deal of the controversy around Metabolife comes from the fact that the product contained Ephedra, the dangerous substance that has been linked to insomnia, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack, seizure and stroke. It has now been banned by the FDA. The Metabolife products have been revamped to include other ingredients that enhance weight loss, stave off cravings and boost metabolism.

According to the website, the New Metabolife Ultra Weight Management helps clients maintain the thermogenic effect that's needed to counteract the body's tendency to hold on to extra fat. Oftentimes, people find themselves losing weight consistently and then suddenly their efforts come to a halt. This can be quite discouraging, which is where Metabolife has a role.