Must-Read: What Causes Traction Alopecia Hair Loss

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Late-stage traction alopecia is a different story. It is much harder to deal with hair loss from tightness and pulling at a late stage than it is at an early stage. Early symptoms of traction alopecia can be reversed with loosening hair or stopping chemical damage, but late-stage traction alopecia usually can be treated with hair grafts and other more extreme treatments. 

Hair Transplants 

Patients with late-stage traction alopecia are great candidates for hair transplants and often have good or excellent outcomes. If the stress that caused the hair loss is removed and discontinued, and if the hair is replaced with a transplant, the patient should not have further problems. Although transplants might seem extreme, they are often the only way to fill in the gaps created by traction alopecia and are not generally a difficult surgical process. 

It is becoming more and more common for young African-American women to request hair transplants due to traction alopecia. This is a troublesome trend because if symptoms were detected earlier, such procedures would be unnecessary.