The Biggest Loser

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Now, viewers can put The Biggest Loser Diet to work, available through TheBiggest Loser book or through the biggestloserclub.com for less than $5 a week. But you will not have to do this alone. You will not only have the ability to
interact with other dieters; you will also have the opportunity to lose along with The Biggest Loser experts and contestants.

Beyond the camaraderie, you will receive personalized meal plans and recipes, as well as a personalized exercise program that's suited to your fitness level. Basically, members who join the Biggest Loser Club are granted an all-access pass to the tools that the show's contestant use to whittle their waistlines.

There is even a risk-free, 10-day trial so that potential members can take a test run of the popular program. The Biggest Loser Club has the three main components of a successful weight-loss program: healthy eating, regular exercise and online support.