Body for Life

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ImageThere are also specific guidelines for how many sets to perform, how long to rest, weight load and other factors. In order to achieve maximum results, it is important to adhere to the program as closely as possible. By building more muscle, you'll be increasing your metabolic rate. Therefore, the body will burn more calories even when the body is at rest.

As for the nutrition principles, Phillips also weighs in with his suggestions. Eat six meals a day, one every two to three hours. All meals should have a portion of protein and carbohydrates. Add a serving of vegetables to at least two meals. Watch portion sizes.

Also, be sure to eat one tablespoon of unsaturated oil daily or three portions of salmon a week. Drink at least 10 cups of water a day. To ensure you're getting optimal levels of required nutrients, consume performance-nutrition shake and follow the regimen of dietary supplements.

In addition, Phillips recommends consuming a tablespoon of safflower, flaxseed, sesame or canola oil each day to give necessary Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids. The diet breaks down to about 40%-50% protein, the same for carbohydrates, and very little fat.