Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer

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The Power Juicer is easy to use and easy to clean. You can rinse it in hot water, or you can pop it into the dishwasher. And you can use the fiber that is separated during the juicing process, and add it to soups, baked goods and meatloaf. Compared to peeling, chopping, preparing, steaming and finding new recipes for fruits and vegetables, juicing is fast food from nature. You can feel good about not having time for lunch when you walk out the door with a cup of fresh "power juice."

Adding bananas and mangos to a fruit juice blend gives a creamy, luscious flavor that tastes like a dessert. If you like vegetables, a tomato, celery, carrot, beet, spinach and bell pepper blend has a satisfying "soup in a cup" flavor, packed with beta carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other powerful nutrients.

Cancer patients, who find it difficult to eat or swallow while going through chemotherapy, may benefit from juicing. Juicing is a great way to increase a child's intake of vegetables. Carrots are sweet when juiced, and you can always add an apple to sweeten vegetable juice for picky eaters.

Is juicing the Fountain of Youth as Jack LaLanne suggests? Maybe not, but the research suggests that it may be the fountain of good health!