How to Choose the Best Condom for You

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There is a vast selection of textures, including ribbed, extra thin, and condoms with exotic patterns. These are marketed as pleasure enhancers, but in practice, it all comes down to preference: some men like the added sensation, while others find it distracting. The same goes for women. Before you undress, address this issue so you avoid any distraction during the main attraction.

Pre-lubricated condoms also figure into the mix. These condoms cost more than your standard protection, but they may add a new layer of excitement to your sex life. Pre-lubricated condoms can also be big timesavers in the bedroom. Between getting the condom on and lubing up, you can waste precious time. With pre-lubricated condoms you elimiate one step and get down to getting down faster.

Flavored condoms are popular for oral play. It is vital to realize that no matter what flavor, material or brand you use, your partner is still taking a trip down to your nether regions, and that means you still need to wash up; flavor should be an enhancement, not a cover-up for your funky junk.

Spermicidal condoms are great for people who want an added layer of protection to ensure that they don't make any babies. Because spermicidal condoms taste bad, make sure that you keep a few flavored condoms on hand. Use the flavored condoms to start, then switch to a spermicidal condom when things start to heat up.