How to Organize Kids' Clutter

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Organizing Outdoor Toys

Toys that you want kept outdoors can be stored in a container, laundry hamper or basket near the back door. This keeps them in one spot and children can easily find and access their outdoor toys.

Organizing with Hooks and Pegs

Hooks and pegs can hold more than just jackets and backpacks. Utilizing hooks and pegs in a bedroom or playroom can eliminate a lot of clutter. You can hang dress-up clothes, hats, jewelry, and belts. Another idea is to fill tote bags with items and hang those up.

Organizing with Shelves

Shelves are a great way to store the boxes that hold items, along with books and other items. Children who create things out of Legos, K'NEX or other building materials often have nowhere to put them, so they end up on the floor, at risk of getting broken. Arrange to keep a shelf or two empty so that your child's creations can be kept safe on a shelf and off the floor.

Shelving is a practical and aesthetically pleasing way to display personal items, such as trophies, books, pictures and other knick-knacks.

Other Organizing Tips

Toy hammocks are a great way to keep toys off the floor. These attach to the wall and can hold stuffed animals or dolls.

Tackle boxes are great for organizing very small items like marbles, beads and jewelry.

Board games can take up a lot of space, with pieces from them often getting lost. To save space, toss the boxes that the board games come in. Simply pile up the boards and then put the game pieces into plastic zippered bags, labeled with the name of the game they go to.