How To Find The Perfect Jeans

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Petite means that you are on the short side; it does not describe your body shape, i.e., where your weight is carried. A petite woman should shop for jeans at a store that specializes in petites or carries a very good selection of petite jeans. Straight-leg jeans will give you a more elongated appearance so they're a good bet for smaller woman.

Plus Size

It can be frustrating trying to find stylish jeans when you're plus size, but this don't resign yourself to "mom jeans" or a shapeless pair that doesn't flatter your body. Designers are (finally) starting to acknowledge that many American women don't fit the size 2 mold cast by slim-hipped women walking the runway. Spend some time on websites or in stores that cater to larger women, to find the perfect pair of jeans for your body type.

Other Considerations

Jeans come in a variety of textures, colors, and fades. You should have a few well-fitting pairs of jeans to change things up with your mood, the weather, and the occasion.

Whatever style you choose or body shape category you fall into, remember that denim's strongest selling point is how sexy, confident and comfortable it can make you feel. Take the time to find a pair or 2 that fits your lifestyle and personality to perfection and rid your closet of any jeans that are too loose, make you feel frumpy or simply don't fit in with the rest of your wardrobe. With the helpful tips provided in this article, there's no need to hang onto tired denim that leaves you feeling like less than a million bucks!